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General Resources

Legislative Action TrackerFind out what the committees are working on and track the progress of committee actions (statements, resolutions, letters, and policy changes)
Administrative Responses to Senate ActionsSee what action the senates have taken and the administration's response to the action
Organizational ChartLearn about the structure and organization of University Senate governance
Path of a Resolution, Statement or LetterFind out how the various types of committee action move through the governance structure.
Senate & Committee Meeting CalendarView the meeting schedule for all University Senate governance bodies
The Weekly UpdateSign up to receive new published minutes each week by email
University Senate Communications ProtocolUnderstand the University Senate governance protocol around listervs and mass emails.
Process of ConsultationLearn about the consultation process and why thorough consultation is important.
Rules of DecorumRules of decorum for senates and committees
Senate Committee Involvement in SearchesSee which committees need to be involved in leadership searches
Data Sharing ProtocolLearn about the University Senate Office's protocols around sharing data
Alternates for U/Fac SenateFollow this process to send an alternate to a University or Faculty Senate meeting

Policy Review

Policy Review

Administrative Policy Review MatrixFind out which governance bodies consult on University administrative policies
Senate Committee Policy Review ProcedureInformation on the procedure, including deadlines
Board of Regents Policy Review MatrixFind out which governance bodies consult on Board of Regents policies
University Policy LibrarySee all University administrative policies

Resources for Legislative Action

Resources for Legislative Action

Best Practices for Effective ConsultationLearn about the consultation process and why thorough consultation is important.
How to Write a StatementTips on how to write a statement
How to Write a ResolutionTips on how to write a successful resolution
Path of a Resolution, Statement or LetterFind out how the various types of committee action move through the governance structure.
Legislative Action Submission FormSubmit this form to Senate Office staff to bring a resolution to the senate for approval
Tips for Presenting Legislative Action at Senate MeetingsHow to prepare, what information to include, etc

Academic Calendars

Academic Calendars

Academic CalendarsView academic calendars for all campuses for the next several years. 
Academic Calendar ProcessTwin Cities, Morris, and Rochester academic calendars are approved by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy (SCEP). The Civil Service Consultative Committee sets the Twin Cities Campus floating holidays. More detail is available in the document linked to the left.


Resources for Committee Chairs

Committee Chairs Resources

Best Practices for Committee ChairsAdvice on how to prepare for meetings, run a meeting, etc.
Virtual Meeting Exception Request FormRequest an in person meeting of your committee
Parliamentary Procedure GuideA quick guide to parliamentary procedure
Committee TrackingRequires sign in
Resolutions, Statements, and LettersProcesses for taking various committee actions
Office of the PresidentThe Office of the President's website
Board of Regents StaffStaff to the Board of Regents

Benefits Advisory Committee

Benefits Advisory Committee

Benefits Advisory CommitteeVisit the Benefits Advisory Committee's web page